“The plan of the diligent leads to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty.”

Proverbs 21:5 (NIV)

A Little About Me

What can you expect from bookkeepers and/or accountants? Enter your
transactions, run payrolls, produce your financial statements, prepare your taxes, tell
you what you owe in taxes and finally hand you the bill for their services. Is that all?

In the US, small businesses make the majority of all businesses, but sadly this
majority is also struggling from check to check and from month to month. Are you
one of them? May I give you an idea?

What if at the end of the day, by working with your bookkeeper you actually fattened
your wallet? My firm does just that because “The plan of the diligent leads to profit,
as surely as haste leads to poverty,” Proverbs 21:5 (NIV).

Creating a budget is one thing, putting it into practice is another. Most company
have so-called budget, and yet they are still struggling. Why? Simply because they
did not put that into practice. Using a similar to envelope system for personal
finances, my clients have several bank accounts that are being used to help them
make their business healthy because a healthy business generates profit. Not only
that, they don’t have to run around looking for money when the tax time arrives.

My Services

What Services Do We Offer?

We offer a Write-Up Service to entrepreneurs who are full of energy and creativity in running their businesses but they no time or don’t feel like doing their book keeping track what goes it and what comes out day after, week after week, month after month, and now is a mess. We love that mess. Bring it on!

Even if you may have tried to DIY in the past, but if you noticed they are not quite right, we can help you with our Clean up Service as well. We will fix, made adjustment, corrections and post them to their respective accounts.

Once your bookkeeping is on track, you may continue to our Monthly Bookkeeping Service in which we will take care of your accounting needs on monthly basis. Unlike most bookkeepers we don’t just post entries send you a report and call it a day. We want you to be able to fulfill your taxes obligation, pay your vendors and your employees and most importantly pay yourself. We will work with you like a partner to make sure you are growing a healthy business that is financially stable.

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